Senin, Oktober 08, 2012

Blair Witch Ultimos Estrenos

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A group of college students venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James' sister who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch. At first the group is hopeful, especially when a pair of locals offer to act as guides through the dark and winding woods, but as the endless night wears on, the group is visited by a menacing presence. Slowly, they begin to realize the legend is all too real and more sinister than they could have imagined.

About Blair Witch

Artist : Callie Hernandez, James Allen McCune, Brandon Scott, Wes Robinson, Corbin Reid
As : Callie Hernandez, James Allen McCune, Brandon Scott, Wes Robinson, Corbin Reid
Title : Blair Witch Ultimos Estrenos
Release date : 2016-09-16
Movie Code : 0185937
Duration : 89
Category : Horror

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Comment For Blair Witch Cine Gratis Online

A.A. Dowd Comment Blair WitchName : A.A. Dowd / Alias : AV Club
It administers its jolts with impeccable timing and may well satisfy those who felt swindled by the hype surrounding the much-more-suggestive original.
Soren Anderson Comment Blair WitchName : Soren Anderson / Alias : Seattle Times
At a relatively compact 89 minutes, the picture still feels about 20 minutes too long thanks to all the repetition of familiar elements.
Kirk Honeycutt Comment Blair WitchName : Kirk Honeycutt / Alias : Hollywood Reporter
The viewer never glimpses anything more than the shadow of a clever movie.
Peter Rainer Comment Blair WitchName : Peter Rainer / Alias : New York Magazine/Vulture
You don't need buckets of moolah and a zillion computer-generated effects to get a rise out of an audience. Just a little imagination, a little suggestive terror, will do quite nicely.
Mark Kennedy Comment Blair WitchName : Mark Kennedy / Alias : Associated Press
This sequel gets progressively messy while The Blair Witch Project grew progressively taut.
Jay Boyar Comment Blair WitchName : Jay Boyar / Alias : Orlando Sentinel
The simplest effects are the most effective "effects." That's the horrific lesson of micro-budget masterpiece of modern horror, The Blair Witch Project.
Chris Klimek Comment Blair WitchName : Chris Klimek / Alias : NPR
Tedious in its early going and all but unwatchable in its final half-hour, the movie feels interminable at a barely-feature-length 89 minutes.
Colin Covert Comment Blair WitchName : Colin Covert / Alias : Minneapolis Star Tribune
Blair Witch is the most dangerous film in captivity. It's a no-excuses horror show with an emotional wallop like falling headlong into a bear trap.
Peter Travers Comment Blair WitchName : Peter Travers / Alias : Rolling Stone
I have seen the new face of movie horror and its name is The Blair Witch Project, a groundbreaker in fright that reinvents scary for the new millennium.
Jonathan Foreman Comment Blair WitchName : Jonathan Foreman / Alias : New York Post
The creepiest and most original horror film since John Carpenter's classic Halloween.
Jeffrey Bloomer Comment Blair WitchName : Jeffrey Bloomer / Alias : Slate
Barrett and Wingard slavishly reprise the beats of the original movie and suffer gravely by comparison.
Michael Gingold Comment Blair WitchName : Michael Gingold / Alias : Time Out
Emerges as satisfying in its own right and pretty damn scary.
Christopher Orr Comment Blair WitchName : Christopher Orr / Alias : The Atlantic
Blair Witch follows the original's beats so precisely that at times it seems the film is more eager to elicit memories of its predecessor than to stand on its own at all.
Kevin P. Sullivan Comment Blair WitchName : Kevin P. Sullivan / Alias : Entertainment Weekly
Blair Witch manages to strike a balance between pleasing the fans of the 1999 found-footage film and working as a Friday night at the multiplex, mainly by sticking to the principle that what you don't see will always be scarier.
Bill Goodykoontz Comment Blair WitchName : Bill Goodykoontz / Alias : Arizona Republic
Without real innovation or story evolution, "Blair Witch" becomes a trip down a rabbit hole of misery and suffering. Life's too short - especially in these woods.
Ben Travers Comment Blair WitchName : Ben Travers / Alias : indieWIRE
Compared to the ill-fated "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 - the first follow-up which was rushed to market for financial reasons - this new iteration still comes across as downright inspiring.
Todd McCarthy Comment Blair WitchName : Todd McCarthy / Alias : Variety
Pic comes across as smart without feeling manipulative.
Bruce Westbrook Comment Blair WitchName : Bruce Westbrook / Alias : Houston Chronicle
If you can handle its unconventional approach, you won't feel as if you're seeing a film so much as witnessing a living nightmare.
Liam Lacey Comment Blair WitchName : Liam Lacey / Alias : Globe and Mail
What can anyone say about The Blair Witch Project that hasn't been trumpeted from a thousand Web sites already?
James Berardinelli Comment Blair WitchName : James Berardinelli / Alias : ReelViews
Sanchez and Myrick deserve credit not only for attempting something different, but for succeeding so brilliantly at it!
Desson Thomson Comment Blair WitchName : Desson Thomson / Alias : Washington Post
Simple but devastatingly effective.
Janet Maslin Comment Blair WitchName : Janet Maslin / Alias : New York Times
A most inventive departure from standard horror fare.
Paul Tatara Comment Blair WitchName : Paul Tatara / Alias :
Whenever night falls, the movie takes off, but in a slow creep, with all your childhood fears of the dark suddenly revealing themselves as absolutely reasonable.
J. Hoberman Comment Blair WitchName : J. Hoberman / Alias : Village Voice
Although the payoff is ambiguous, the experience remains in the mind. It's an absolutely restrained and truly frightening movie.
Steve Tilley Comment Blair WitchName : Steve Tilley / Alias : Toronto Sun
While Blair Witch does have a few moments of tension and dread, it simply doesn't recapture the once-in-a-lifetime terror that made the original film so unforgettable.
Adam Graham Comment Blair WitchName : Adam Graham / Alias : Detroit News
Wingard was in high school when "The Blair Witch Project" came out, so he's checking something off his personal list here. Everyone else moved on from "Blair Witch," with good reason, a long time ago.
Peter Travers Comment Blair WitchName : Peter Travers / Alias : Rolling Stone
Belated "official" sequel to 1999 hit updates technology but repeats the original's shocks - only much louder and lamer
James Berardinelli Comment Blair WitchName : James Berardinelli / Alias : ReelViews
Perhaps for someone who never saw The Blair Witch Project, this might represent an adequate scary movie.
Brian Tallerico Comment Blair WitchName : Brian Tallerico / Alias :
The set-up is the same, and while that felt fresh in the first film, it now just kind of drains the piece of tension because we know no one is making it out alive.
Guy Lodge Comment Blair WitchName : Guy Lodge / Alias : Variety
A significantly more accomplished and entertaining sequel than 2000's woeful cash-in Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, [this] nonetheless reps something of a missed opportunity.
Michael Nordine Comment Blair WitchName : Michael Nordine / Alias : Village Voice
Blair Witch's comparatively maximalist approach shows too much and scares too little.
Leslie Felperin Comment Blair WitchName : Leslie Felperin / Alias : Hollywood Reporter
By sticking so slavishly to the original Blair Witch film's template, the result is a dull retread rather than a full-on reinvention, enlarging the cast numbers this time but sticking to the same basic beats.
Peter Brunette Comment Blair WitchName : Peter Brunette / Alias :
The film is a faux documentary, made by two first-time filmmakers.
Susan Stark Comment Blair WitchName : Susan Stark / Alias : Detroit News
A picture like The Blair Witch Project just takes your breath away.
Stephen Whitty Comment Blair WitchName : Stephen Whitty / Alias : Newark Star-Ledger
There's a sharp division between the chill of "I think I just saw something!" and the confusion of "I don't know what the hell I just saw!" and "Blair Witch" often falls on the wrong side.
Mark Caro Comment Blair WitchName : Mark Caro / Alias : Chicago Tribune
What becomes especially impressive about Blair Witch is how relentlessly it sticks to its vision.
Kevin Thomas Comment Blair WitchName : Kevin Thomas / Alias : Los Angeles Times
In short, the film is a clever, entertaining stunt, no more, no less, and a terrific calling card for its fledgling filmmakers, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez.
Lloyd Rose Comment Blair WitchName : Lloyd Rose / Alias : Washington Post
The Blair Witch Project" is the scariest movie I've ever seen. Not the goriest, the grossest, the weirdest, the eeriest, the sickest, the creepiest or the slimiest. Just flat out the scariest.
Edward Douglas Comment Blair WitchName : Edward Douglas / Alias : New York Daily News
With nothing new to add to the "Blair Witch" mythos, this is one found footage movie that should have been left lost in the woods.
John Hartl Comment Blair WitchName : John Hartl / Alias : Seattle Times
Using the most modest means, Sanchez and Myrick manage to tell a compelling story, create recognizable characters and hold our attention even when there's literally nothing on the screen.
Peter Hartlaub Comment Blair WitchName : Peter Hartlaub / Alias : San Francisco Chronicle
Even if there were no witches in the world, these idiots would probably get taken out crossing a busy street.
Bill Zwecker Comment Blair WitchName : Bill Zwecker / Alias : Chicago Sun-Times
All in all, Blair Witch was quite satisfying and made me think: This is what the first sequel to the original film should have accomplished.
Andrew Sarris Comment Blair WitchName : Andrew Sarris / Alias : New York Observer
Where is the suspense? Where is the involvement? Where is the identification?
Gemma Files Comment Blair WitchName : Gemma Files / Alias :
A movie which scared the crap out of everybody from Cannes to Sundance, and which is definitely worth the hype.
Lisa Schwarzbaum Comment Blair WitchName : Lisa Schwarzbaum / Alias : Entertainment Weekly
As a manifestation of multimedia synergy, it's pretty spooky.
A.O. Scott Comment Blair WitchName : A.O. Scott / Alias : New York Times
The acting and filmmaking are too crude to make you care about what happens . even though you know pretty much exactly what that will be.
Tirdad Derakhshani Comment Blair WitchName : Tirdad Derakhshani / Alias : Philadelphia Inquirer
It's nothing more than a sophisticated clone of the original, and it really overdoes the shaky-camera thing - even more than in some of the worst found-footage movies The Blair Witch Project spawned.
Joe Morgenstern Comment Blair WitchName : Joe Morgenstern / Alias : Wall Street Journal
The scariest shots, from someone's little Hi-8 camcorder, document the students losing their bearings, giving way to panic and finally falling victim, though off screen, to some ineffably, unphotographably evil presence.
Justin Chang Comment Blair WitchName : Justin Chang / Alias : Los Angeles Times
Wingard's movie, for all its abundant mischief, doesn't trust the power of its own illusion. You can see these woods a lot more clearly now, and what you see is that you've been here before.
Ty Burr Comment Blair WitchName : Ty Burr / Alias : Boston Globe
"Blair Witch" comes to the party very late and very tired, and it doesn't improve from there.
Alonso Duralde Comment Blair WitchName : Alonso Duralde / Alias : TheWrap
Barrett and Wingard guide us on a slightly different path, but it's clear early on that the destination will be all too familiar.
Edward Guthmann Comment Blair WitchName : Edward Guthmann / Alias : San Francisco Chronicle
There's no denying the terror in The Blair Witch Project. It's fierce, it's palpable and it gets deep under the skin.
Susan Wloszczyna Comment Blair WitchName : Susan Wloszczyna / Alias : USA Today
Blair Witch oozes spellbinding primal fear!
Christy Lemire Comment Blair WitchName : Christy Lemire / Alias : Associated Press
The thought that Blair Witch Project just might be real makes it much scarier than any of the teen horror flicks that have stumbled along in recent years.
Rene Rodriguez Comment Blair WitchName : Rene Rodriguez / Alias : Miami Herald
At least a third of "Blair Witch" consists of people running through the woods with flashlights, shouting out each other's names. A little of this goes a long way.
David Edelstein Comment Blair WitchName : David Edelstein / Alias : Slate
I could tell you the story - give away every detail - and The Blair Witch Project would still freeze your blood.
Mark Jenkins Comment Blair WitchName : Mark Jenkins / Alias : Washington Post
"Blair Witch" runs only eight minutes past the original, yet it feels about a half-hour longer.
Kevin Maynard Comment Blair WitchName : Kevin Maynard / Alias : Mr. Showbiz
It might be the scariest movie ever made!
Stephanie Zacharek Comment Blair WitchName : Stephanie Zacharek / Alias : TIME Magazine
Was I supposed to be scared by this thing?
Jami Bernard Comment Blair WitchName : Jami Bernard / Alias : New York Daily News
The very crudeness of the film stock and technique contribute mightily to the feeling that things are out of control, disoriented and possibly subject to unnatural laws.
David Denby Comment Blair WitchName : David Denby / Alias : New Yorker
A cunningly conceived and crafted exercise in suggestibility and terror.
Will Leitch Comment Blair WitchName : Will Leitch / Alias : The New Republic
Blair Witch nods to the first film but never rediscovers its power.
Peter Howell Comment Blair WitchName : Peter Howell / Alias : Toronto Star
Wingard and Barrett aren't trying to reinvent the wail here, which is mostly a good thing.
Ernest Hardy Comment Blair WitchName : Ernest Hardy / Alias :
The great power of the film lies in its simplicity, in the slow-building tension and psychological melt-downs.
Roger Ebert Comment Blair WitchName : Roger Ebert / Alias : Chicago Sun-Times
At a time when digital techniques can show us almost anything, The Blair Witch Project is a reminder that what really scares us is the stuff we can't see. The noise in the dark is almost always scarier than what makes the noise in the dark.
Keith Phipps Comment Blair WitchName : Keith Phipps / Alias : AV Club
Sanchez and Myrick's film knows that what's not seen frightens more easily that what is, and that the imagination's thoughts of what might have happened generally horrify on a deeper level than knowing what did.
Jeff Giles Comment Blair WitchName : Jeff Giles / Alias : Newsweek
Heather's shaky video work can induce motion sickness - it looks like combat footage as she bolts through the woods - but just try turning away.
Bob Longino Comment Blair WitchName : Bob Longino / Alias : Atlanta Journal-Constitution
[A] creepy tale of witchcraft, murders and ghost sightings.
Colin Covert Comment Blair WitchName : Colin Covert / Alias : Minneapolis Star Tribune
Rather than exploring new ground, it sends us down familiar terrain, provoking shrieks for the mercy of a quick ending.
Jonathan Rosenbaum Comment Blair WitchName : Jonathan Rosenbaum / Alias : Chicago Reader
What gives the film much of its force and its mounting sense of queasy uncertainty is its narrative method, which ensures that we know no more about the proceedings than the characters do.
Kyle Smith Comment Blair WitchName : Kyle Smith / Alias : New York Post
Running and screaming may be essential to a lot of horror movies, but as "Blair Witch" shows, they're not scary in themselves. For that, you need the stuff between the running and screaming.
Barry Hertz Comment Blair WitchName : Barry Hertz / Alias : Globe and Mail
A thrill ride that's as terrifying as it is no-nonsense.
Chris Vognar Comment Blair WitchName : Chris Vognar / Alias : Dallas Morning News
The Blair Witch Project should be remembered for its uncanny and sometimes deceptive knack for selling itself.
Tom Charity Comment Blair WitchName : Tom Charity / Alias : Time Out
The actors never put a foot wrong; the video diary form allows no artifice, so that as terror mounts, the dread is infectious.
Desmond Ryan Comment Blair WitchName : Desmond Ryan / Alias : Philadelphia Inquirer
You can dismiss The Blair Witch Project as a trick. Or you can give in to the treat and savor that rarest of accomplishments in a field notorious for tedium and repetition - an original horror movie.
Mary Elizabeth Williams Comment Blair WitchName : Mary Elizabeth Williams / Alias :
It's been a long time since a movie did so much by showing so little.

Viewing Blair Witch Full Movie, Blair Witch Full Filme , Viewing Blair Witch Movie, Viewing Blair Witch Online, DVD RIP Blair Witch, Blair Witch , Vertigo Entertainment, Horror

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